Features of project:
- Use 100% custom responsive WordPress theme 'Career'.
- Use Redux for building 'Theme Options'. It is possible to change the logo, the 'terms' and 'policy' page, add new contact forms.
- Theme has custom post type 'vacancies', where HR can easy add new vacancy and it's descriprion.
- Each vacancy has custom meta fields.
- On each page of the site on the sidebar user sees a complete list of all vacancies and can share them in social networks or send a message.
- The 'Send vacancy to a friend' form additionally sends an SMS to a friend with a link to the job.
- Data from all forms is additionally duplicated in the site's admin panel for the convenience of HR.
- Current status of the project 'in progress'.
Upcoming improvements:
- Updating data on current vacancies by the company's HR specialist.