Showing 6 Result(s)

Test post

I literally purchased and installed your plugin, uploaded an iSpring presentation into an e-learning course, and walked into a conference room to present a new e-learning course including iSpring using your plugin. I literally purchased and installed your plugin, uploaded an iSpring presentation into an e-learning course, and walked into a conference room to present …


Features of project: Use WordPress theme “Bridge” Designed in accordance with the client’s wishes. Use custom layout template for project pages. Developed a memo on self-editing content.


Features of project: Use WordPress theme “TheGem” Designed in accordance with the client’s wishes. 60 internal pages of the site have been developed and filled with content. Developed a memo on self-editing content.

Progeeks’s courses

Features of project: Use 100% custom responsive WordPress theme ‘Carrer’. Use Redux for building ‘Theme Options’.It is possible to change the logo, the ‘terms’ and ‘policy’ page, add new contact forms. Theme has page template for ‘Courses SAPUI5’. The page has a responsive layout according to the design mockups. Additionally when you submit a form …

Progeeks’s job

Features of project: Use 100% custom responsive WordPress theme ‘Career’. Use Redux for building ‘Theme Options’. It is possible to change the logo, the ‘terms’ and ‘policy’ page, add new contact forms. Theme has custom post type ‘vacancies’, where HR can easy add new vacancy and it’s descriprion. Each vacancy has custom meta fields. On …